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Investments Overview

Selecting funds to help you reach your retirement planning goals

The funds in RPB’s Plan are grouped into three tiers—target allocation funds, self-directed funds, and socially responsible funds—to make it easier for you to navigate your investment choices. And the spectrum of fund choices will enable you to tailor your portfolio based on your financial goals, time horizon, risk tolerance, and values—up to and through your retirement.

Remember, the best way to make sure you’re prepared for retirement, which will likely last many decades after you stop working, is to start planning as early as possible and to maximize your savings while you’re working.

We recommend that you maintain a diversified portfolio, which may help limit the effect of a single market event on your entire portfolio. We also suggest that you make your investment decisions with expected long-term performance in mind. While short-term market volatility can impact your portfolio, changing your investments based on these temporary situations is often ineffective, and may have unforeseen consequences. Talk to your financial advisor or tax professional before making decisions about your asset allocation.

Not sure where to start?

Our Investment Choice Guide provides basic investing principles and fund information.

Fund tiers

RPB’s three tiers of funds offer participants varying levels of involvement and effort in their retirement investment decisions.

Tier 1: Target Allocation Funds
  • RPB’s Tier 1 funds are generally best for people who don’t have the experience or desire to make regular investment decisions, or who want a simpler approach to reaching an investment objective.
  • Our target allocation funds invest in a diverse mix of asset classes. They are designed to keep pace with their benchmarks over a full market cycle, with lower volatility than the market as a whole.
  • Each of the five funds uses both active investments and passive investments to meet the goals of growth, growth and income, or income. As they get closer to retirement, many participants typically invest less aggressively and take on less risk in their investments.
Tier 2: Self-Directed Funds
  • Our Tier 2 funds allow you or your financial advisor to build a customized portfolio across asset classes and investment risk to meet your unique retirement goals and financial needs.
  • The tier consists of eight index funds offered by Vanguard (one of the world’s largest investment management companies) and an RPB stable value fund.
Tier 3: Socially Responsible Funds
  • The Reform Jewish Values (RJV) Stock Fund invests in global stocks and enables plan participants to strongly align their retirement investments with their Jewish values. It’s the only socially responsible fund of its kind.

Video: RPB Investment Choices

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Make sure your portfolio is ready for retirement.

  • Start planning as early as possible—don’t put it off.
  • Save as much as you can while you’re working, up to the IRS contribution limits.
  • You’re not limited to a single investment tier. A combination might best suit your objectives. Consult your advisor or Fidelity's Retirement Planners.
  • RPB offers retirement planning tools through Fidelity NetBenefits® that can help estimate your financial needs for retirement. You can access the tools by logging in to the MyRPB for Participants web portal. From there, click Access the Planning and Guidance Center.
Fund Fact Sheets & Fees

Tier 1: Target Allocation Funds

The fees listed for RPB's Tier 1 funds are as of June 30, 2024.

Fund Objective Fee
RPB Focused Growth Fund Asset growth 0.45%
RPB Moderate Growth Fund Asset growth 0.40%
RPB Growth & Income Fund Asset growth & income 0.37%
RPB Moderate Income Fund Generate income 0.31%
RPB Focused Income Fund Generate income 0.26%

Summary of Holdings by Fund

Tier 2: Self-Directed Funds
Fund Objective Fee
Vanguard Institutional Index Fund (S&P 500) Asset growth 0.02%
Vanguard Developed Markets Index Fund (International) Asset growth 0.03%
Vanguard Small-Cap Index Fund Asset growth 0.04%
Vanguard Emerging Markets Index Fund Asset growth 0.09%
Vanguard Short-Term Bond Index Fund Generate income 0.04%
Vanguard Short-Term Inflation-Protected Securities Index Fund Generate income and guard against inflation 0.03%
Vanguard Total Bond-Market Index Fund Generate income and moderate asset growth 0.025%
Vanguard Real Estate Index Fund Generate income and asset growth 0.11%
RPB Capital Preservation Fund Stability of principal 0.27%
RPB Capital Preservation Fund - Rabbi Trust Stability of principal 0.11%

Tier 3: Socially Responsible Funds
Fund Objective Fee
RPB Reform Jewish Values Stock Fund Asset growth 0.11%*

* Check the RJV Stock Fund fact sheet for the most recent fee. The investment management fee is a blended rate based on the fund’s total pool of assets: 0.15% for the first $10 million in assets and 0.10% for assets over $10 million. For example, if the fund value is $20 million, the annualized fee is 0.125%. Participants also pay an RPB Administration Fee (0.16%) as well as a Custody, Recordkeeping, and Investment Consulting Fee (approximately 0.04%) which fluctuates slightly over time and is passed onto participants at cost.

RPB’s administrative fees include (1) the costs to operate RPB, and (2) the costs to provide recordkeeping, custody, and investment consulting services. The annual administrative fees are approximately 0.20% of a participant’s account balance and are assessed quarterly regardless of the fund(s) that the participant is invested in.

The administrative fees consist of the following:

RPB Operations 0.16%
Recordkeeping, Custody, and Investment Consulting 0.04%*

Example: The annual administrative fees for a $10,000 account balance would be $20.00, or $5.00 per quarter.

* These fees are passed on to participants at cost. They will fluctuate slightly based on the total assets under management of the Plan and as these costs change over time.

Do you want to learn more about our funds?

Talk to a Fidelity retirement planner at 800.328.6608 (English) or 800.587.5282 (Spanish). It’s free to all RPB participants. Or call Robert Perry, RPB's Director of Participant & Employer Services.

Alignment with Jewish values

While all of RPB’s Tier 1 fund options integrate our Jewish Values Investing (JVI) policy when possible, the Reform Jewish Values Stock Fund was built specifically as a vehicle for socially responsible investing.

Avoids companies involved with this issue
Seeks companies with a positive record of achievement based on RPB’s Social Profile

Fund cannot screen for this criteria

MORE ← Alignment with Jewish Values → LESS
Stock Fund
(Tier 3)
Target Allocation Funds
(Tier 1)
Self-Directed Funds
(Tier 3)

(negative investment screens)

Companies operating in Sudan
Predatory lending
Civilian firearms
Landmines and cluster munitions
Coal & consumable fuels
Private prisons

(positive investment screens/ overweights)

Environment & climate change
Clean technology
Low carbon footprint
Human rights
Reproductive rights
Sexual orientation
Stem cell research
Israel exposure

Community Investing

URJ CHIP program

Influence on Companies

Proxy voting and shareholder engagement

Manager Selection/

JVI questionnaire

Include your financial advisor in your RPB planning.

We encourage our participants to take an integrated approach to their financial planning. Learn how RPB can work with your financial advisor.

Managing your allocations

It’s a good practice to review your asset allocation annually to ensure you’re on track with your goals.

Changing Your Investments

If you’re still contributing to your retirement account and would like to change where your new contributions are invested:

  • Log in to your account at
  • Select Manage Investments. Then on the Investments tab, select Change investments.
  • Next, select Change Investment Elections.
  • Follow the step-by-step instructions to make your changes.

If you’d like to adjust how your existing account balance is invested:

  • Login into your account at
  • Select Manage Investments. Then on the Investments tab, select Change investments.
  • Next, select Exchange One Investment or Exchange Multiple Investments.
  • Follow the step-by-step instructions to make your changes.

What's Your Horizon?

A critical element of investment selection is time horizon—the period you expect to hold an investment to achieve a specific goal. (For example, the amount of time before you retire.) Investors who have a longer time horizon will have more time to recover from market downturns.


Vanguard and Fidelity Investments, the plan's recordkeeping services provider, have excessive trading and equity wash rules, as detailed below.

The 90-day equity wash rule restricts investors from transferring assets directly from the RPB Capital Preservation Fund to the Vanguard Short-Term Bond Index Fund.

To transfer assets from the RPB Capital Preservation Fund into the competing funds, you must first transfer the assets to a noncompeting fund, such as an equity fund or a longer-term bond fund. The assets must remain in the non-competing fund for at least 90 days before they can be moved into a competing fund. This applies to all transfers from the RPB Capital Preservation Fund to the competing funds. The list of competing funds may change in the future.

Fidelity has an excessive trading policy which is designed to protect fund shareholders by limiting short-term trading. The excessive trading policy imposes restrictions on shareholders who engage in multiple “round trips”. A round trip is a purchase and subsequent redemption of fund shares within 30 days. Within defined contribution plans that are recordkept by Fidelity, only participant-initiated exchanges of $1,000 or more are taken into consideration in monitoring plan accounts for round trips.

If a participant completes two round trips involving the same fund in a rolling 90 day period, an 85 day, fund specific exchange restriction is imposed on the participant’s account. While a restriction is in place, the participant may not exchange into the impacted fund. The exchange restriction does not impact either the participant’s right to redeem shares, or the processing of other types of purchases, such as ongoing contributions and loan repayments.

If a participant completes 4 round trips involving any funds that are subject to the policy in a 12 month period, a 12 month exchange restriction will be imposed. During this 12 month period, the participant will only be allowed to exchange into any of the funds that are subject to the policy one day per calendar quarter. Again, the 12-month exchange restriction does not impact the processing of redemptions or other types of purchases, including ongoing contributions and loan repayments.

Ready to go deeper?

Dive into our Tier 1 target allocation funds in detail.

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